(+420) 257 320 139

(+420) 123 456 789

(+420) 123 456 789

Address: Nádražní 76, 150 00 Praha 5

Email: kalmar@kasparaero.cz

Fax: (+420) 257 322 226

Eyes with outer thread/Steel eyes / M6


Catalog Nr.: K-501-101P

Exclude VAT: 11.9 EUR

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Prices are without bearingsWeight: 0.02 kg

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EU companies and traders requiring VAT refund are obliged to provide their Tax Identification Number.

Údaje označené * jsou povinné.

Information for customers:

All prices given in this price list are without V.A.T. Prices of wheels are without tyres. The prices do not include the charge of packaging and are understood as EXW Kašpar a synové - Prague. Due to the ongoing development of products their given weights may differ from the actual weight of a sold part. A problem-free delivery of products always requires an order with the ordering number of past according to the, valid price list or catalogue, or also a drawing in case of a potential change or modification. The warranty period for all products, except such consumables as brake lining, tyres, etc., is 24 months from the selling data. Delivery times differ according to the type of product, in general they range between 3 and 15 working days for catalogue goods including modifications required by the customer. Manufacturers may use dealer's discounts set under a dealer agreement. Any other business terms and conditions are governed by the Commercial Code of the CR.